Staffs names

Froggie Z

Willy boy

Robin Q.

Bobby James W.

Meet our staff

Froggie Z

-Froggie Z pefers the color mustard green than green.

-They have study fornesic science.

-They enjoy hot cakes any time of the day.

-They also have a degree in arts

Willy boy

-Willy perfers to be called Willy not Will.

-Willy is the web master.

-He enjoys long walks on the be

-Willy loves the letter E.

Robin Q.

-Robin loves collecting coins for fun.

-Robin perfers the life of a frog.

-Robin loves eating cake.

Bobby James W.

-Bobby James is the reseacher and source of information.

-Bobby enjoys watching documentaries.

-Bobby has a degree in Computer science.